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Pellicer TM repairs damaged hair and chapped or roughened skin, through its natural affinity with their constituents as a small-molecule amphiphilic produced from natural plant components-fatty acid and the amino acids lysine and glutamic acid.

Pellicer is...
- Pellicer is a gemini amphiphilic compound which has two hydrophilic tails and 3 hydrophilic groups, deriving from natural fatty acids and amino acids.
- Pellicer LB-10 contains Butylene Glycol whose source material is petroleum derived.
- Repairs damaged skin by permeating into stratum corneum and improves barrier function of skin through the similar function with Ceramide.
- Penetrates into hair interior portion and improves strength, thickness, water content of damaged hair and gives resilience and smoothness.
- Expresses emulsification and dispersion function at very low concentration. Compared to nonionic surfactants, excels in texture and decreases emulsifying cost.
- Gels various kind of oil by the method of D-phase emulsification. Enables it to formulate make up remover or massage oil which are tender to skin.

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