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BisaboLifeTM The sustainable biotech (-)-_-bisabolol

BisaboLifeTM is a biosourced product taking care of sensitive skin and scalp, while offering additional functional benefits,
it guarantees the following features:

> Natural origin: white biotech process, 100% of bio-based carbon,
> Optimal quality: pure active isomer with more than 97% purity,
> Availability: no season dependency, large scale production,
> Sustainability: no trees harvesting, use of natural raw material: food plant sugars,
> Proven efficacy: inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokines and perfect soothing effect.

Known biological benefits of BisaboLifeTM (-)-_-bisabolol has been studied thoroughly for decades, and is well-known for its multiple biological benefits2, amongst which:
> Soothing (by inhibiting 5-lipoxygenase)3,
> Anti-oxidant (by interfering with ROS, as proven by chemiluminescence of human neutrophil bursts and cell-free systems)4,
> Anti-infective properties (MIC value against C. albicans5: 36mM, equivalent to a 1% concentration, MIC values against S. aureus, S. epidermis6: from 0.31 to 3.1 mg/ml, equivalent to 0.03 to 0.3% concentration),
> Increasing bioavailability of molecules (by promoting the permeability coefficient of these molecules)7,
> Brightening (it inhibits melanogenesis by lowering intracellular cAMP levels)

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