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SensitylTM is a natural extract obtained from the most active compounds of Phaeodactylum tricornutum, thanks to a bioguided evaluation combined with a metabolic profiling. Coming from the dominant class of marine phytoplankton, diatoms, this microalgae is found in coastal marine or brackish waters in temperate zones.

SensitylTM offers soothing and calming actions to the skin by rebalancing sensitive skin microbiota and taking control over the whole inflammation process.

Acting through microbiome, epigenetic & genetic regulation, SensitylTM acts on:
> rebalancing and protecting skin microbiota,
> reducing the immune cell recruitment,
> reducing the pro-inflammatory mediators (IL-8),
> decreasing the pain sensation (TRPV1),
> increasing the anti-microbial defenses of the skin.

SensitylTM reduces redness and soothes the skin, but even more, it helps to enhance consumers' mood.

Active Beauty has leveraged two innovative non-verbal methods, for the 1st time in the cosmetics industry, to understand consumers' emotional responses while overcoming the barrier of using words.

Forget about skin discomfort, and feel good again!

En savoir plus

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