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Versatile rheology modifier with outstanding thickening properties.

ANTIL® 500 Pellets is a superior thickening agent for aqueous surfactant based formulations. Its extraordinary thickening efficiency and flexibility facilitate the development of innovative cleansing formulations.

ANTIL® 500 Pellets is especially suitable for surfactant systems with low active level and mild cleansing formulations based on sulfate-free surfactants. ANTIL® 500 Pellets shows a strong salt response in SLES/CAPB based systems . In combination with NaCl, ANTIL® 500 Pellets enables a more significant reduction of the active surfactant content of SLES/CAPB based systems than current market standards.

ANTIL® 500 Pellets is non-ionic and can be used with common anionic, cationic, amphoteric or non-ionic surfactants. It is suitable for various applications, such as liquid soaps, shower gels, hair shampoos and foam baths. ANTIL® 500 Pellets has almost no impact on foaming.

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