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IMERCARE® OPALINE is a natural, premium grade talc that gives shower gels and shampoos an attractive pearlescent effect.

IMERCARE® OPALINE can be used at all pH levels and with all ingredients, even ionic, making it a one-size-fits-all solution.

IMERCARE® OPALINE is specifically heat-treated to control microbial organisms.

Compliant with UK Cosmetic Toiletry and Perfumery Association (CTPA) specifications.

Compliant with US Personal Care Products Council (PCPC) specifications.

ImerCare® Opaline is a premium talc that has been specifically engineered to provide a highly pearlescent effect in shower gels and shampoos. ImerCare® Opaline can be used at all pH levels and with all ingredients, even ionic, making it a one-size-fits-all solution. A dedicated brochure is available upon request or on

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