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ORMESIA® prepares and protects the skin from damaging effects of pollutants and sun.

The skin is constantly and directly exposed to a combination of different stressing elements (sun exposure, atmospheric pollutants and indoor pollution) that deplete and weaken it. The visible consequences can be numerous: dryness, premature ageing, sagging, dull complexion, imperfections, pigment disorders, etc...

Hormesis is a positive response (stimulation) of the biological defenses in the event of exposure to low doses of toxins or other stressors.

ORMESIA® harnesses the hormesis pathway by activating the natural self-defense systems and preventing the deleterious effects of IN and Outdoor pollutants, as well as the adverse effects of the sun rays.

ORMESIA® allows to recover a detoxified skin which breathes and looks radiant again.

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