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SCB Manuka Honey, derived from the Leptospermum scoparium honey of New Zealand, contains natural active ingredients which will help nourish and regenerate the skin.

SCB Manuka Honey has essential properties the skin health due to:
. Methylglyoxal: a potent antimicrobial agent with broad spectrum which can help control acne-prone skin.
. Amino acids, known to help regenerate new skin cells.
. Glycolic acid, known to help enhance the epidermal turnover for a more youthful and healthier skin appearance.
. Sugars are known to be a natural humectant. They draw moisture from the environment into the skin. Sugars also have skin firming properties which will help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and will help redefine the facial contour for a younger look.
. Honey is known to have a potent anti-inflammatory effect which help soothing inflamed skin while healing acne scars.

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