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InfraGuard combines tara tannins, which are a powerful antioxidant, with organic sunflower sprouts in order to efficiently protect the skin against the harmful effects of infrared (IR).

Infrared rays are known to penetrate deeper into the skin than UV-rays. Due to radical formation, they inhibit mitochondrial energy production, which is essential for the healthy functioning of our cells and tissues. InfraGuard efficiently neutralizes radicals and protects the skin against IR oxidative stress.

InfraGuard protects the skin against the pro-aging effects of IR through two mechanisms:
. by blocking the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) inside the mitochondria and the resulting MMP-1 synthesis in the cells
. by supporting mitochondrial functions.

- Blocks IR and blue light induced free radical formation
- Protects mitochondrial DNA
- Inhibits light induced skin aging
- Prevents the loss of skin density upon sun exposure

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