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ExpertGel® is a smart water thickening ingredient. This innovative water-soluble gelling agent increases viscosity with temperature. When diluted in water, ExpertGel® behaves as liquid at room temperature, then becomes gel when exposed to higher temperature.

This unique rheological behavior leads to very specific properties such as emulsion stabilization or active release control. ExpertGel® is specially designed for use in skin care formulations, sun care, make up, fragrance or hair care.

- Smart Thickening agent: leading to viscosity change upon exposure to body temperature (eg: Eye Drops)
- Sprayable products: liquid in the packaging, will become a gel or a cream in contact with skin
- Cream or lotion with new texture: new sensation once applied
- Viscosity controller: ExpertGel addition leads to viscosity constant versus temperature
- Emulsion stabilizer: ExpertGel helps to improve emulsion stability
- Control active release in water: mouth rinse, self-tanning
- Film former: with a silky touch, acts in synergy to improve efficiency of other film former (eg: better water resistancy)
- Homogeneous distribution of pigments: high coverage and reduces pigment use
- Long lasting effect for fragrances
- SPF booster: optimizing the bioavailability of UV filter

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