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SpecPed®ACP is produced by antibacterial peptide(Bacillus Ferment) with good inhibition and killing Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus aureus and it could effectively reduce skin oiliness, diminish inflammation and swelling, prevent and remove various types of acnes and pocks to make skin full of vigor and vitality.

It had good inhibition and killing effects on acne Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus aureus , and could adjust the skin micro ecological balance forming a natural protective barrier on the surface of the skin to protect the skin from the harm of bacteria and other harmful substances. It could enhance the immunity of skin, diminish inflammation and swelling and control local infection.

In addition, it could effectively inhibit the sebaceous gland cells to produce oil, regulate sebum secretion, and soften the horny. The product could effectively prevent and remove various types of acnes and pocks to make skin full of vigor and vitality.

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