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SpecPure® GBE is Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract, which is a kind of product enriched with effective components extracted from Ginkgo leaves, it has functions as below:

- It is an excellent free radical scavenger, which can remove the peroxide and free radicals on the skin surface and delay the aging of the skin;
- Flavonoid glycosides in Ginkgo biloba leaves are scavengers of free radicals, which can protect dermal cells, improve blood circulation, and prevent cells from being oxidized and wrinkled;
- It can prevent the formation and deposition of pigment in the dermis, whiten the skin and prevent pigmentation;
- It has a good proliferation effect on hair papilla cells, so it is a good hair growth agent.

Therefore, SpecPure® GBE can be recommended to use as functions of anti-wrinkle, anti-aging, anti-oxidation, whitening, spot lightening, hair care in personal care products

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