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Vegetan® Evolve is based on erythrulose, a molecule with a chemical structure very close to Dihydroxyacetone (DHA), the reference molecule for self-tanning. It possesses the same properties as DHA, by reacting with the amines, peptides and amino acids of the stratum corneum through the so-called Maillard reaction, leading to the production of brown compounds, the melanoidins. These pigments, linked to the proteins of the skin, provide a long-lasting tanning effect, within hours.

Erythrulose is more stable and has a lower reactivity with the skin proteins than DHA, enabling a more controlled reaction, a more natural tan color, and a reduced skin peeling after effect.

Thanks to these properties, Vegetan® Evolve is ideal in association with DHA (Vegetan® or Vegetan® FL for instance), to obtain the results consumers are looking for: a sun-kissed effect, a long-lasting tan, a natural looking tan and a gentler effect on the skin.

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