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LanachrysTM 2B PF is an African plant extract which stimulates lipolysis to reduce the appearance of cellulite and eye puffiness.

A natural African treasure, Chrysanthellum Indicum is a unique plant with golden petals and great molecular diversity, including an exceptional active principles that stimulate lipolysis. Chrysanthellum Indicum has an amazing chemical composition with phenylpropenic acids, flavonoids and saponosids.

LanachrysTM 2B PF binds to a-2 receptors for optimal lipolysis activation. LanachrysTM 2B PF has a draining effect, reducing the heavy leg sensation and the appearance of cellulite (complementary action to caffeine). It can also be used in slimming, anticellulite and eye puffiness treatments.

LanachrysTM 2B PF enhances adrenaline lipolytic activity, thereby enabling fatty acid elimination. LanachrysTM 2B PF can be used as a complement to caffeine in slimming care products and as draining active for eye care products.

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