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NAT SUMAC WAX is a natural wax obtained from the kernel of Rhus Verniciflua, Stokes. The cultivation of this tree is developing in China. This cultivation is done with respect of the species by regularly sowing Rhus Verniciflua, Stokes, seeds. To obtain the NAT SUMAC WAX, the fruit peel is cleaned and pressed. A raw wax is obtained. This raw wax is concentrated and decolored to finally obtain a refined wax.

NAT SUMAC WAX is a low melting point wax which will give a soft and malleable product after cooling down. Nevertheless, it has the capacity to form a crystal network that allows real cohesion between the various raw materials in the formula giving it body and consistency.

It is mostly composed of triglycerides. It also contains non-esterified fatty acids and free fatty acids such as palmitic acid, oleic acid and stearic acid.

Properties: Forms a crystal network, gives a soft and malleable finish product.

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