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Having trouble formulating sensorial, natural and stable fluid cosmetic products answering global needs? No more worries! We used our expertise in the chemistry of lipids to create our new O/W green and MB* emulsifier and make this challenge easier for you.
* No need to heat the formula ingredients: save 60% time and 95% energy compared to a classic hot process.
* Stabilizes all types of fluid formulations, from sprays to lotions and wipes. You can include actives, pigments, sun filters and all types of oils.
*Resistant to electrolytes. Let your creativity go and FLUIDIFEELTM will make it EASY! (*BVC-RSPO-1-1972708497)

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*Tutti i campi contrassegnati con un asterisco sono obbligatori.

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*Tutti i campi contrassegnati con un asterisco sono obbligatori.