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The use of tea seed oil was recorded more than a thousand years ago. Tea seed oil was traditionally used to treat skin diseases such as scalds, burns, tinea corporis and chronic eczema. SpecKareTM BTS (Black tea seed oil) is rich in nutrients, including unsaturated fatty acids, camellia glycosides, phospholipids and saponins, vitamin E, polyphenols and tannins, etc. The content of unsaturated fatty acid is more than 82%.

SpecKareTM BTS (Black tea seed oil) highly contains natural polyphenols. Polyphenols is an effective free radical scavenger, which can prevent cardiovascular, cerebrovascular diseases and cancer. Meanwhile, vitamin E content in black tea seed oil was higher than other edible vegetable oils. This makes it more effective in anti-aging and Enhancing immunity.

SpecKareTM BTS (Black tea seed oil) is light and naturally carries pleasant tea fragrance. Applied in high-end skin care products, it not only creates healthy skin, but it also brings sense of beauty and confidence. Moreover it helps repair hair and scalp in order to build hair gloss and shine.

Features & benefits:

Anti-stretch mark
Eliminate free radicals,
Promote the metabolism,
Enhancing immunity.
Repair and Anti-aging
Clean oily skin
Hair gloss


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