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A naturally derived colorant skin care ingredient that relieves sensitive skin with a healthy looking skin.

Consumer demand for clean, safe, and eco-conscious beauty care ingredients is set to accelerate. This new grade of vitamin B12 is produced through non-GMO bacterial fermentation, has a natural origin index of 68.7% and is Halal approved and vegan compliant. As a popular cosmetic ingredient, the vitamin ingredient B12 will certainly give your products an on-trend pink hue. Our new studies show, it could help relieve fatigued and irritated skin, protect the skin barrier, and promote a more vibrant looking complexion.

- Vitamin B12 relieves sensitive and stressed skin
- Helps relieve skin conditions like itchy, irritated, inflamed, red and cracked skin
- Help Prevent photo-damaged skin
- Protects the skin barrier damage induced by inflammation
- Plays an important part in speeding up cell recovery and regeneration
- Skin looks more vibrant
- Provides a nice and pleasant pink color of the cosmetic products

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