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ReviScalpTM is a natural and sustainable active from the endemic Australian Aniseed Myrtle tree. Produced with 100% renewable energy under a zero waste to landfill philosophy, ReviScalpTM has a low carbon footprint and is environmentally safe. With safety and sustainability as key priorities, ReviScalpTM offers full traceability from field to beauty and unique storytelling. Easily biodegradable, aquatic ecosystem friendly, China-compliant, preservative-free, and vegan certified, ReviScalpTM answers naturality and sustainability market needs.

- Improves scalp health
- Provides brighter hair
- Decreases the appearance of dandruff
- Reduces scalp sebum production
- Tested on men and women

- Stimulates the production of specialized pro-resolving mediators while inhibiting the production of inflammatory mediators
- Protects from oxidative stress
- Improves scalp barrier function & reduces cellular proliferation

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