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Matcha, a very concentrated kind of traditional Japanese green tea, has acquired a reputation for benefiting health. On one hand, local consumers are attracted by matcha - which has been deeply rooted in Japanese daily life for a long time.

Matcha is known to be a powerful antioxidant, hence its rise in the beauty and skin care space.

Matcha is regarded to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, lipolytic, vasodilator and relaxing effects for the skin. Thus, it has acquired a reputation for benefiting health.

It could be an alternative for consumers who are looking for a natural skincare solution and prefer to lower the use of synthetic ingredients on the skin. To further dynamize its consumption:

. Embrace its 'Japanese ceremony' storytelling and its relaxing effects for the skin to create a new line of relieving and holistic facial or body routines. This ceremony is bonding experience of mindfulness, respect and a focus on the now; and it would align perfectly with the still escalating wellbeing approach to cosmetics.

. By being such a nutrient-rich ingredient, it is the perfect choice for facial sheet masks that give an immediate boost on smoothness and healthy appearance, and that help energize both our skin and soul.*

. Focus on its naturality (99.5% natural origin index) to highlight the healthy approach that the ingredient has on skin aging prevention.

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