공급업체 세부정보

이 공급업체는 화장품 성분 및 공급업체 데이터베이스인
COPTIS 성분에 등록되어 있습니다.


Cera Rica Noda has been in business for over 180 years. From its earliest days, it has continued to develop original technologies and processes for the utilization of"Cera Rica":our natural world's abundance of plant and insect waxes. Cera Rica is pure, safe, and environmentally friendly. We want to be known as a company that cares about living in harmony with nature, a company that is committed to the sound utilization of nature's resources and sustainable coexistence with all life forms.

Drawing from an arsenal of cutting-edge technologies and research, Cera Rica Noda has engaged itself in the development of various new commercial applications for Cera Rica products, including biodegradable plastic and other eco-materials that pose no environmental threat. We want to assist in the creation of a kinder, recycling-oriented society that produces no harmful industrial wastes and does not burden the environment in any other way.

회사 유형: Manufacturer and Distributor
전세계 인력: 20
생성 날짜 1832

7202 Nakatsu, Aikawa-cho, Aiko-gun
243-0303 Kanagawa
전화: (+81) 46-285-1265
팩스: (+81) 46-286-2800
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