공급업체 세부정보

이 공급업체는 화장품 성분 및 공급업체 데이터베이스인
COPTIS 성분에 등록되어 있습니다.


Technoble Co., Ltd. celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2009.
Since its establishment, our company has focused on the research and development of topical skin-care ingredients that are powerful and effective toward skin brightening and whitening, anti-aging, moisture retention, antioxidation, and hair growth.
As we provide technological solutions to our customers, we put safety and reliability first, ensuring quality control while continually making comprehensive improvements to our technology through patents, pharmaceutical compliance, analyses and safety tests. These are the keys to providing the powerful, effective products our customers need.

회사 유형: Manufacturer and Distributor
전세계 인력: 60
생성 날짜 1959

1-6-8 Kitahorie, Nishi-ku
550-0014 Osaka
전화: (+81) 6 6538 2595
팩스: (+81) 6 6538 2507
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