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In the desert-like environment of South Africa, there lives a resilient resurrection plant, Myrothamnus flabellifolia, which has a unique adaptation strategy: in spite of its extreme environment, it can survive long and hot periods of drought in a completely desiccated state and become green again within a few hours of the first drops of rain. This resurrection effect can also be applied to the skin: MYRAMAZE®, an extract of Myrothamnus flabellifolia, is like an oasis for stressed, "desert-like" skin with a particularly high proportion of protective substances. It protects membrane structures from dehydration and preserves the most important skin lipid linoleic acid, against oxidation. A one-time application of MYRAMAZE® invigorates the skin for more than 48 hours.

With regular use, MYRAMAZE® effectively revives, regenerates and strengthens skin that is stressed, attacked and depleted.

Scientifically proven effects:
. Protects membranes during dehydration
. Protects skin lipids from oxidation
. Protects against blue light stress
. Revives the skin for longer than 48 hours after a single application
. Rehydrates dry skin, strengthens the weakened skin barrier, revitalizes sensitive skin, visibly and
noticeably improves skin texture


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