
このサプライヤーはCOPTIS INGREDIENTSリストに含まれています。


CosTech is a young company, yet we have a back-pack full of experience. Our business is specialty chemicals for personal care, pharma, house hold and industrial applications, but we do not just push chemicals - everyday we work to make sure that we are the preferred chemicals supplier, and that our customers want to call us partners as much as we want it! CosTech is a part of Buhl & Bønsøe: www.buhl-bonsoe.dk

_We carefully select our partners, so that you can rely on our materials, both in quality and documentation. And even though our offices are populated by a couple of engineers, we still think that we are creative, fast moving and know whats hot and not in our customers industries.

会社の種類: Distributor
拠点数: 0
作成日: 0

CosTech (Buhl & Bønsøe A/S)
Hassellunden 11A
2765 Smørum
電話番号: (+45) 45 95 04 10
ファックス: (+45) 45 95 04 12
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研究所用のCoptis Solutionのすべての機能を見るには

Coptis Lab

Coptis ingredients

Coptis Tab

Coptis Tox


アスタリスク (*) の付いている項目は入力必須です。