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Active ingredient that preserves skin youth by performing a double action: as a powerful radical scavenger, it fights environmental and endogenous oxidative damage; as a glycation shield, it prevents AGEs formation and skin sagging.

Bipure prevents dermal proteins glycation and skin oxidative damage. Thanks to its molecular structure, it opposes the formation of chemical bonds between protein amino acidic residues and sugars. Its antioxidant activity further strengthens its toxins scavenging power.

Bipure is recommended for the treatment of skin environmental and chronological aging.
Its anti-toxin activity makes it valuable for both day and night formulation for the prevention of early and advanced age signs such as wrinkles, dryness, dullness and laxity.

Consumer Benefits:
- Pollution shield
- Anti oxidant
- Radical scavenger
- Glycation rescuer
- Anti oxidant
- Soft aging
- Pure skin

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