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High quality
- 100% natural plant extract : no preservatives nor petrochemical solvents
- 5 to 10 higher concentration in active molecules than market extracts thanks to an eco-responsible and exclusive manufacturing process.
- Titration in active molecules by HPLC: Guaranteed plant activity.
- Standardization: Constant and reproducible concentration.

Full safety and regulation compliancy
- Full traceability from the plant seed to the extract.
- Possible traceability of Cosme-Phytamis® in formulated product by analytical method.
- Possible identification of over than 90% of the phytochemical composition.
- Good Manufacturing Practices for cosmetic ingredients (EFfSI).
- Exhaustive administrative and technical file replying to the demands of the European legislation: Raw Material Identification
Data Sheet (RMID).
- Approved in China (IECIC listed)

Recommended usage dose
- 1-5%

Price and delivery
- Competitive prices.
- Immediate availability from stock or delivery within 21 days.

COSMOS compliant

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