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AgascalmTM neutralizes the negative effects caused by psychological stress on the skin, such as inflammation and redness.

AgascalmTM increases skin's resilience against psychological stress, protecting it from damage caused by this
type of stress.

AgascalmTM is a natural active ingredient derived from the plant Agastache Mexicana used in Mexico to treat "frightful and shocking situations".

AgascalmTM neutralizes the negative effects caused by psychological stress on the skin, such as inflammation and redness.

AgascalmTM, due to its acacetin and tilianin content, is able to counteract the effects of psychological stress on the
skin, reducing the degradation of protein IkB that retains NF-kB in the cytoplasm, therefore inhibiting its movement towards the nucleus (Ha 2012).

AgascalmTM does not avoid psychological stress but it does block its effects on the skin.

AgascalmTM is a sustainable active ingredient. It is respectful to the environment and the biodiversity.

. Reduces skin inflammation and redness due to psychological stress
. Improves vascular tonicity
. Restores the barrier function for a moisturized skin.
. Enhances the skin radiance and evens skin tone.

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