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This super fruit ingredient can be used as a natural replacement for synthetic materials such as petrolatum and animal-derived materials, like lanolin. ABS Pomegranate Sterols is capable of increasing moisture levels on the skin while enhancing the skin's barrier function to protect against environmental stress responsible for extrinsic again. As we know, many oils extracted from pomegranates are beneficial skin and hair care ingredients. The combined benefits, compliments of pomegranate's essential fatty acid content and known antioxidant properties, make ABS Pomegranate Sterols a one-two punch, perfectly designed by nature to quench our skin while providing protection.

Benefits of ABS Pomegranate Sterols:
. Functional Active
. Intense Moisturizing Benefits
. Perceivable Sensorial Attributes
. Improved Barrier Function
. Hair and Skin Care Applications

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