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Ultra Filling SpheresTM : the ultimate generation of Filling Spheres

Filling SpheresTM technology is based on the ability of dehydrated and cross-linked spheres to penetrate the upper layers of the epidermis and to absorb the water that evaporates from the deep dermis. Thanks to their hygroscopic properties, the volume of the spheres increases rapidly. Thus inflated, they tighten the skin, smoothing out wrinkles and leaving an elastic skin surface with long lasting hydration. With its extensive experience in mastering this solution, Beauty Creations has optimized its raw materials for filling spheresTM and created Ultra Filling SpheresTM.

These new generation spheres are composed of two biopolymers: hyaluronic acid of low molecular weight (<40 kDa) and konjac, a polysaccharide of high molecular weight (> 200 kDa) whose crosslinking and dehydration transforms into Ultra Filling SpheresTM.

Ultra Filling SpheresTM (microspheres in dehydrated form) have a much higher capacity for water absorption and swelling than the previous generations of filling spheres, enhancing their ability to plump out deep and superficial wrinkles and to smooth the skin surface.

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