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Our scientists have succeeded in developing ShadownylTM, a sea vegetal extract, which stimulates HO-1 in skin and removes free heme. Consequently, the appearance of dark circles around the eyes is minimized.

In addition, ShadownylTM shows good anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities as well as very good collagen I stimulation efficacy. Wrinkles are reduced, and the appearance around the eye area is improved.

In vitro and in vivo studies demonstrate the ability of ShadownylTM to:
. enhance the skin's own capacity to eliminate heme, the red pigment complex present in hemoglobin,
. increase the collagen I fiber synthesis which may redensify the eye contour area and result in a wrinkle smoothing effect,
. reduce inflammation which can lead to vessel fragility.

- Stimules the expression of Heme Oxygenase type 1 (HO-1) - novel pathway.
- Boosts the elimination of pigments due to blood leakage such as heme responsible for dark circle color and local inflammation.
- Rejuvenates the eye contour area: enhances skin firmness and reduces the appearance of dark circles.

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