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Heliocarrot is obtained by maceration of oleoresin of Carrot roots (Daucus carota) into Sunflower oil. Then, this maceration is pressed by first cold solvent free extraction process.

Due to its high content in provitamin A, Heliocarrot is recommended for solar formulas : before and after exposure to the sun. Heliocarrot makes easier a rapid and beautiful suntan. It is very used into after-sun care products for its soothing effects. Heliocarrot is usually incorporated into cosmetic formulas within rates of 0.5 until 5%. Regarding the oil formulas the rate of incorporation is often higher than for lotions formulas. In order to get optimum results during the incorporation of Heliocarrot into an emulsion, it is better to add it just after the formulation of the emulsion. The Heliocarrot contains all the active ingredients of the Carrot, soluble into the oil. It will be used into cosmetic formulas for sensitive skins, dry skins, as well as into care products for babies (within lower rates).

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