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The Waxes are molecules which are obtained by esterification. They are insoluble in water but soluble in non-polar substances, organic solvents. All waxes are organic compounds.

It has been traditionally used in cosmetics, as creams or ointments, due to the anti-inflammatory and healing properties of many of its components. Another cosmetic application is to be used as a depilatory. The hair sticks to it and makes easier to remove.

BEESWAX ORGANIC in strips is a 100% pure and natural ingredient, rich in essential nutrients with high moisturizing action. Very suitable for the skin and hair, it is used in creams and lipsticks for its emollient effect, healing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

Bidah & Chaumel is certified by the prestigious Swiss Certification Company for organic products bio. inspecta. Our products are certified under 2 regulations: BioVidaSana and Base.

Also we have the European Certification under the EC Regulation 834/2007, issued by the Organic Farming Council of Murcia.

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