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Plastic pollution is a worldwide rising concern, leading to aesthetic, environmental and potential animal and human health issues.
Developed from a patented technology, ChromaPur CV7 is high quality Carboxylated Cellulose Nanocrystals, converted into a micron sized powder with a unique surface structure and morphology, maintaining native cellulose, type 1, which is the same cellulose that occurs in nature.
Therefore, as 100% natural, readily biodegradable, vegan cellulose powders with exceptional sensory and optical benefits in skin care and color cosmetics, ChromaPur CV7 provide a sustainable and functional alternative to plastic microbeads, helping to tackle plastic pollution concerns.

Consumer awareness of environmental damage is booming; they want to have a positive impact, and this can influence their purchasing decisions. With sustainable and transparent practices across the entire production cycle, ChromaPur CV7 is the perfect answer.
The texturizing powders have been obtained by an environmentally friendly process using Black Spruce pulp, a native and emblematic Nordic tree species in Quebec that is sustainably harvested and sourced from 100% Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certified Canadian Forests, giving consumers that natural alternative they desire.

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