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ResistHyalTM is a new generation of hair care active ingredient containing an optimized ratio of low and high molecular weight hyaluronic acids, dissolved in a blend of water and lactic acid. Once applied on any type of hair (in leave on or rinse off products containing a cationic polymer such as guar), it creates a local moisture barrier all around the shaft, thereby favoring the conversion of alpha keratin into beta keratin to enhance the beauty of hair fibers.

Answering all key consumers' requests worldwide:
1. Hydration (local molecular moisture buffer)
2. Natural volume (sheathing effect)
3. Anti-frizz (beta keratin structure protection)
4. Resistance (tighten cells of the hair cuticle)
5. Anti-pollution (shield avoiding particles adhesion)
6. Shininess (flatten cuticle cells for better light reflection)
7. Suppleness (smoothing hair cuticle surface)

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