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ALGAKTIV® BioSKN is the ultimate skin super food, delivering impressive cellular energy and balanced skin nutrition. Based on novel carbohydrates from the microalgae cell wall. It is natural completely sustainable and easy to formulate.

ALGAKTIV® BioSKN outperform epidermal growth factor (EGF) in wound healing studies. Its potent cell renewal action is triggered by increasing the expression of transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-_) and the potent cell thickening signal Dikkopf-1 (DKK-1).

Thanks to its microbiome centric design, ALGAKTIV® BioSKN provides broad prebiotic effect by supporting S. epidermidis (most common beneficial skin microbioal specie) while species like P. Acnes (acne), M. Furfur (dandruff) and S. Aureus (atopic dermatitis). Moreover, it strengthens the skin immune system by boosting the production of antimicrobial peptides like CXCL10.

- Rejuvenate and revitalize aging skin thanks to its potent soothing and regenerative action

- Promote clear skin by reducing sebum and balancing the skin microbiome with its broad prebiotic action (direct and indirect)

- Deliver the latest in skin nutrition - inject energy (cell renewal) while preserving the skin delicate balance (microbiome and calmed skin)

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