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Titrated in biochanin a, MiniporylTM reduces the appearance of
conspicuous and unsightly enlarged pores with a complete
mechanism of action to rapidly recover a refined high definition skin.

Picture-Perfect Pore Minimizer :
- Red clover flower extract titrated in Biochanin A
- Primer-like high definition results: Refines skin texture in only 15 days!
- For all genders (women & men) & all ages (young & old)

Red clover flower extract
3-in-1 action:
- keratinization improvement
- seboregulation
- astringent action
Fast action results
Proven effective for men, women and young adults

Titrated in Biochanin A, highly bioactive polyphenol
Fights globally against pore enlargement causes for an optimal result
Reduces the appearance of pore size for refined and perfect skin in only 15 days!
Multi-usage (any gender, any age)

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*Tutti i campi contrassegnati con un asterisco sono obbligatori.