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NAT ORGANIC DEODORIZED WALNUT OIL is obtained by cold pressing the seeds of carefully selected walnuts (Juglans regia L.) that were grown in the South-West of France.

It is rich in Linoleic acid (Omega 6) 60% and alpha Linolenic acid (Omega 3) 12% with a tocopherol content responsible for a good oxidative stability.

It helps to reconstruct the sebum and lessens transepidermal water loss (TEWL). It provides excellent moisturizing properties and softening effect for both skin and hair products. It gives a silky and non greasy after feel.

NAT ORGANIC DEODORIZED WALNUT OIL is a non-genetically modified material that contains no preservative. It has not been tested on animals.

NAT ORGANIC DEODORIZED WALNUT OIL has an excellent feel, spreads easily and penetrates the skin quickly, leaving it dry and silky.

It is indicated for mature and dry skins.

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