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XTEND is an active ingredient dedicated to skin cell and extracellular matrix protection and recovery.

XTEND is a well balance combination of botanical extracts and a natural derived skin permeation enhancer.

Thanks to the presence of a blend of Kudzu isoflavones (e.g. puerarin, daidzein and genistein) and Cat's claw active alkaloids and polyphenols (e.g. quinic acid), the ingredient is characterized by anti-glycation and collagen renewal properties as well as by anti-inflammatory and protective attitudes, as already known in literature.
All these features, typical of the extracts, together with an enhanced skin permeation ability, contribute to the prevention of dermis degradation and to the improvement of skin cells vitality and survival under daily stress conditions.

Consumer Benefits :
- Smoothness supporter
- Skin defender
- Extracellular matrix fixer
- Skin firmness booster
- Youth preserver
- Skin relief promoter

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