Coptis 성분 데이터베이스의 모든 정보에 액세스

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Ectoin® natural is a powerful multifunctional active ingredient with outstanding efficacy. It prevents cell damage and provides repair and regeneration for aged, stressed and irritated skin.

Ectoin® natural was discovered in 1985 as the self-defense and survival substance of microorganisms living in a salt lake in Wadi El Natrun (Egyptian desert).

Ectoin® natural shows global and powerful protection efficacy. It shields the skin from extrinsic and intrinsic factors of skin aging and cell damage like pollution particles, sun light (including IR A and visible light), temperature and chemical stress. At the same time, Ectoin® natural enhances and restores cell functions, which are responsible for the skin´s health and beauty. This global protection and repairing activity leads to a long lasting and visible preservation and restoration of youthful and healthy skin.

Ectoin® natural offers global and powerful anti pollution efficacy, repairs environmentally stressed skin and regenerates broken skin barrier.

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