Coptis 성분 데이터베이스의 모든 정보에 액세스

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Emollients play a big role in creating the ideal aesthetics within a formulation, and consumers are demanding products with an appealing sensory that also support their personal sustainability and clean beauty values. Arlasense V5, with its vegan suitable* credentials, can deliver functionality, aesthetics and ethics all in one ingredient. Arlasense V5 can fulfil many formulation requirements, with its appealing sensory, high degree of skin spreading and wide pH tolerance. It may be used in formulations as a sensory alternative to silicone, giving very similar sensorial benefits. Arlasense V5 has a very low viscosity and freeze point, and its ether chemistry enables this emollient to function as essentially a non-polar material, allowing it to harmonize well with actives and giving it great formulation versatility.

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*별표로 표시된 모든 필드는 필수입니다.

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