Coptis 성분 데이터베이스의 모든 정보에 액세스

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  • 50개의 결합 가능한 검색 기준
  • 27,000개의 기술 문서



Extracted from Ginkgo biloba leaf, or Ginkgo based Chlorophyllin. Over the years, the nutrients from GBE, like flavone glycosides and terpenoides, are extracted; and the left materials have been regarded as a waste and disposed uselessly. SC creatively applies advanced technique to effectively extract chlorophyll from ginkgo biloba leaves and furtherly make the valuable Chlorophyllin copper complex named as SpecPureTM GBE001 (abbr.GBE001).

SpecPureTM GBE 001 is a kind of metalloporphyrin with high stability in heat and light. It is dark green powder, has strong coloring power. And it provides a bright and stable green color. The aqueous solution is turquoise clear. Because of its stability and no toxic side effects, it is widely used as food additives, cosmetics additives, colorants, drugs, photoelectric conversion materials and other fields. It is an unique actives for toothpaste product.

Efficacy :
- Anti-inflammation
- Free radicals scavenger
- Deodorant
- Accelerating wound healing
- Natural coloring agent

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