공급업체 세부정보

이 공급업체는 화장품 성분 및 공급업체 데이터베이스인
COPTIS 성분에 등록되어 있습니다.


The company's vision is to be be the preferred supplier of high-purity, high-efficacy active ingredients for the Personal Care industry. This mission is aided by a global network of companies with expertise in biomass sourcing, product testing, fermentation, and commercial-scale production of ingredients.

Most of the ingredients that are developed in-house are marketed under the ViaPure® brand name. Certain products are sold exclusively however, and exclusive development projects are welcome assuming the return is satisfactory.

Actives International is also the US agent for several companies with excellent reputations and high-quality natural ingredient product ranges: Contipro Biotech, and CLR at select accounts.

회사 유형: Distributor
전세계 인력: 0
생성 날짜 1998

6G Pearl Court
07401 Allendale
New Jersey USA
전화: (+1) 201 236 2828
팩스: (+1) 201236 9055
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