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Mannose-6-Phosphate is a human metabolite used to generate energy in our cells and to drive proper functions. It is an essential component to promote glycolysis in the cell (fostering energy production).

In order to replenish the energy of the cells, Active Beauty has crafted a Mannose-6-Phosphate complex, from a vegetal source, using green chemistry: AgefinityTM witch will:
> Reprogram mitochondrial energy metabolism in older cells.
> Promote skin matrix restructuring.
> Reinforce Dermo Epithelial Junction (DEJ).
> Reorganize skin matrix similar to younger skin.
> Significantly reduce visible age spots.
> Visibly reduce crows feet wrinkles.
> Reduce neck wrinkles to remodel the Y-shape of the face.

AgefinityTM is the perfect solution to act on the lower layer of the dermis to reshape the Y-zone (face and neck).

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*Alle Felder, die mit einem Sternchen versehen sind, müssen ausgefüllt werden.