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SpecWhite® 05, as the pro-drug of cysteine, provides the substrate cysteine for the synthesis of glutathione. Thus it is a safe product, which can be quickly absorbed by skin at 1-10% dosage and is compatible with skin effectively. It is also stable in nature and easily soluble in water, with a wide pH range.

SpecWhite® 05 can inhibit the activity of tyrosinase, reduce the synthesis of melanin, and thus achieve the effect of lightening and whitening. It has strong antioxidant function and can scavenge free radicals, so as to protect the skin from natural aging and photoaging. It also has the function of softening the cuticle, activating cell regeneration and accelerating the stratification of keratin cells.

Thus SpecWhite® 05 is recommended for lightening/whitening, anti-spot, anti-aging/ photoaging, antioxidant and moisturizing cosmetics etc.

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