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Crodasorb UV-283* is a high activity quaternized UV absorber designed to protect hair from the sun. Crodasorb UV283 has protective effects that have been proven to prevent UV-B damage and provides this protection to gray as well as pigmented hair. By doing so, Crodasorb UV-283 significantly improves the combing properties, strength and mechanical behavior of hair exposed to UV radiation. By offering the benefits of UV-B absorption, substantivity and enhanced conditioning, Crodasorb UV-283 gives formulators an extremely cost-efficient means of providing sun protection to the hair.

As a UV-B absorber, Crodasorb UV-283 offers distinct advantages over other products now on the market:
- UV-B Absorbance: max at 280nm
- High Molar & Specific Extinction Coefficients
- High Activity (70% Active)
- Easy-to-Use Liquid Form
- Water and Alcohol Soluble
- Compatible with Anionics
- Easy Formulating/No Pre-Solubilizing
- Suitable for Low VOC Systems

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