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RevivylTM was discovered during a bio-guided fractionation of a unique chlorophyll-free plant called Orobanche rapum, living in synergy with the "golden butterfly" plant, Cytisus scoparius. This novel active ingredient has been specifically enriched in two specific polyphenol sugar esters: crenatoside and acteoside, known for their very high antioxidant activities.

Exhaustive in vitro, ex vivo and 4 clinical studies have demonstrated that RevivylTM has a unique reactivation effect of the natural skin renewal cycle from bottom to top by means of 6 synergistic actions:
1. Protection and activation of skin stem cells
2. Reactivation of cellular metabolism
3. Stimulation of cellular differentiation
4. Reinforcement of skin barrier components
5. Reactivation of natural exfoliation
6. Active protection of skin microflora

This multifunctional active ingredient delivers consumers benefits in only 2 weeks, showing a better skin moisturisation and an improvement of skin surface differentiation with up to 30% wrinkle reduction, versus the placebo.

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