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HOLOBIOSYS® - Systemic hydra-restoration & Skin holobiont invigorator

- Systemic hydra-restoration from dermis to skin surface
- Skin holobiont invigorator: stimulated skin host-microbiota interactions - metaproteomic analysis
- Upcycled fermentation process: wild yellow gentian extract enhanced by fermentation with a rare bacteria form aerobiome

With age and dehydration, some interactions between skin host/microbiota are slowed-down (Greentech studies). So beyond simply studying the sum of the parts, with host studies on one hand and microbiota studies on the other, the next-generation active ingredients have to study the skin as a whole, to understand and master skin host/microbiota protein interactions and provide ever more innovative and effective products, targeting the skin holobiont.

- Deeply hydrates
- Protects/restores hydrolipidic film
- Smoothes wrinkles and fine lines
- Invigorates skin holobiont

COSMOS certified
IECIC listed
Upcycled active

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