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Inspired by face sculpting to visibly lift and redefine facial contours:
- A premium rosewood extract for face sculpting
- A sustainable sourcing of rosewood in Peru, upcycling wood chips leftover from essential oil
- Leveraging an ancient Chinese wellness practice: the gua sha beauty trend for facial sculpting
- Based on ethno-genomic research in facial sculpting and AI-driven efficacy mapping
- Offers an alternative to retinol with similar efficacy, suitable for skin prone to irritation induced by retinoids, such as Asian skin

Increases key influential markers linked to facial sculpting and retinol function, in Caucasian and Asian skin
- collagen 17 associated with the shape of the outer corner of the eye
- collagen 5a3 associated with wrinkles in Asian skin
- fibulin 7, associated with the shape of the lip corners and cheeks
- CRABP2 for retinol function, known to decrease with age
- collagen 1, collagen 3 and hyaluronic acid for skin firmness and remodeling

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