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SymHair® Thermo is a unique combination of saccharides and TCM mushroom extract able to protect the hair from thermal damage and make it easier to style. Saccharides with different molecular weights can form a more UNIQUE film, as the smaller ones fill in areas that the larger ones cannot cover. These molecules increase the electrostatic interaction with the hair, which usually is charged when damaged. SymHair® Thermo is able to form a natural substantial film on the hair surface, providing strong thermal protection. It absorbs part of the energy provided by hot styling tools without losing its properties, preventing heat accumulation points that cause more aggressive damage.

SymHair® Thermo is a unique combination of saccharides and TCM mushroom extract able to protect the hair from thermal damage and make it easier to style.


Thermal protection
Humidity protection
Straightening effect
Long Last Heat Styling
Film Formation
Frizz & Volume Control
Better alignment
Silicone substitute

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